Tie-Back Anchors
pre-engineered tieback system for earth retention supplied
by A.B. CHANCE Company simplifies the challenges for contractors.
These tieback anchors are installed by rotating the anchors
into the ground with common rotary drilling equipment.
Once the minimum depth is obtained the capacity
can be determined by reading the installing torque and correlating
it to the holding capacity ratio.
Capacities to 200,000 pounds per anchor are
obtainable with this system. Proven on hundreds of applications
these cost effective tiebacks can be tested immediately. No
concrete to wait for curing! This saves time and money plus
improves schedules. Vickars Developments field personnel can
show you the advantages on specific applications.
Vickars Development uses the CHANCE® tieback
system for these reasons: 
- Installed anchors can be proof-tested immediately --
no waiting for grout to cure.
- Install in almost any weather, with conventional drilling
equipment. No concrete trucks or grout pumps required.
- Predictable holding strength in all soils.
The success of the screw anchor tieback system is based on
decades of similar use of CHANCE® anchors by electric
utilities. The proven reliability and engineered predictability
of the system's performance gives you tiebacks that are positive,
economical and hassle-free.

For More Information:
Anchor Brochure
Tieback Anchors CSI Manu-Spec™ 02260